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Tag Archives: health

Dangers of eating Too much “instant noodles“

Consuming instant noodles in moderation may not cause negative health effects. However, their nutritional value is low, and frequent consumption may be linked to poor diet quality. The increase of 5-10 baht may still be enough to endure. But some things are more expensive, the difference

“Ankle injury” symptoms, causes and treatment methods

“Ankle injury” symptoms, causes and treatment methods ankles and feet It is another important organ that allows humans to walk, stand, and run with stability. Each person’s feet are different and have unique characteristics. The structure of the foot adapts through use and activity. Foot injuries that each person

5 sexually transmitted diseases Found as much as AIDS

5 sexually transmitted diseases Found as much as AIDS. sexually transmitted diseases  It’s not just AIDS. In addition, more and more patients are found every year. From the summary of the epidemiological surveillance report for the year 2014 from the Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of

Kidney disease, what to eat and what to eat

Kidney disease, what to eat and what to eat. Kidney disease is a disease that many Thai people are experiencing. It is a disease caused by unhygienic eating. and not nutritional unbalanced diet eating too much Accumulated for a long time Finally, it could be kidney disease. but besides salty food There are

The dangers of “sleeping too little”

The dangers of “sleeping too little“ Everyone should know that “sleep” is the best rest for the body. Because the body needs adequate rest and balance every day, but to know this. There are not many people. Who do not pay attention to sleep as they should. Which

Stress, know it before it’s too late.

Stress, know it before it’s too late. Daily pressures affect the body and mind, causing a condition known as stress. Stress can occur at any age. Stress is consider a condition that requires attention. Because it is not as obvious as an injury. outside the